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CONTINUED MISSION To continue its mission of funding leading-edge projects that help to improve life for all beings on earth, New Earth Foundation would like to highlight a valuable project it recently gave a grant to, Keystone Conservation.

GREENHOUSE GAS Since earth-warming became an official concern, the reduction of greenhouse gases is a mandatory task to diminish the climate-changing and polar ice-melting greenhouse-effects, now experienced on earth. Whereas plants contribute to oxygen and ozone on earth, cattle, allowed to overgraze on land, destroy the ecosystem and pollute water sources while their dung emits greenhouse gases. Here is where the work of Keystone Conservation lies: this organization has worked with land and cattle owners alike to provide resources for science-based solutions to benefit people, cattle and wildlife, to increase the biodiversity of rangeland, and sustain and restore land in rural areas.

PROACTIVE FIELDWORK Keystone Conservation Inc. is one of few groups to focus on proactive fieldwork that coordinates activities across stakeholder lines to find solutions for the concerns of both the conservation and ranching communities. Keystone Conservation thereby works to achieve the goal of repositioning and harmonizing the handling of human affairs within the context of the needs of the natural world.

PROGRAM Keystone Conservation will use the grant from New Earth Foundation to expand their program:

1. Improving the condition of land and water;
2. Furthering biodiversity and wildlife by enhancing habitats through developing, implementing and evaluating methods of proactive livestock management using holistic planned grazing, benefiting cattle, people and nature;
3. Creating and implementing land management policies that are economically, ecologically, and socially sound;
3. Teaching ranchers and land managers how to adopt proven conservation practices;
4. Promoting a broader dialogue on the need to integrate agriculture and conservation;
5. Reducing human conflict with wildlife and the environment by teaching increased tolerance, respect, and accommodation for nature and wildlife;
6. Reaching out and educating by field studies, and offering educational, scientific papers and presentations, as well as visual and other materials.

INTERDISCIPLINARY WORK Keystone Conservation is working at the intersection of conservation and agricultural goals, and their projects are tailored to each ranch. Their role is primarily in planning, research, development and technology transfer, supplementing land management with additional tools such as range riders and guard dogs where appropriate. Field projects may involve intensifying existing grazing rotations with temporary electric fences and herding.

• That riders are most effective when their work is done in a management context that keeps livestock in fewer, larger herds in smaller areas;
• That riders with low-stress livestock handling skills have positive effects on herds in large areas;
• That trained riders combined with land management show the greatest reduction of loss through predator animals, thus effectively protecting cattle; and
• That unmanaged livestock is the most vulnerable to predation.

EXAMPLE One example of Keystone Conservation’s initiatives is their work along the border of Yellowstone Park, where a range rider works on a few neighboring ranches in an area with high densities of wolves, grizzly bears, and elk. Preliminary observations indicate that the ranches where livestock grazing is more intensively managed have had few or no cattle lost to predators. However, a ranch that was less intensively managed, practicing season-long grazing over several thousand acres, had suffered the greatest number of cattle lost to predators in the valley in recent years. A Keystone Conservation rider now herds cattle on this ranch, which since has suffered much fewer losses than previously, but still more than the ranches with more proactive herd management. Such proactive herd management also facilitates increased soil and rangeland health, whereas free-roaming grazing extremely degrades rangelands.

PRACTICAL HELP There is vast potential for wildlife and cattle conservation in agriculture as livestock utilize roughly 65% of public and private lands within the Rocky Mountain West. Keystone Conservation is tapping into this potential by developing conservation-based livestock management plans with ranchers and then helping implement them during field seasons. The grant from New Earth Foundation will be dedicated to cultivating relationships with innovative ranchers and organizations throughout the Northern Rockies and to developing new project sites, thus helping to expand this valuable program. Keystone Conservation can be reached at

PROJECTS SEEKING GRANTORS There are so many other valuable projects that New Earth Foundation would like to grant. Because many of these incredible leading-edge projects are new, they are less likely to be funded by other foundations. Such projects, however, are the niche of New Earth Foundation. That is why New Earth Foundation is asking for your kind help to make our Earth a better place for all life. You may donate directly at New Earth Foundation’s website with its beautiful Sedona and Earth images,, or send your check to New Earth Foundation, P.O. Box 100, Sedona, AZ 86339, USA. New Earth Foundation’s website offers you an exciting list and description of some of the previously granted projects as well as a number of inspiring projects that need funding.

Fenceless Ranching
Even without fences, a small herd can be held together with a guard.
Image source: dreamstime, ID 36743581


Fenceless Ranching2
A small herd with guard gives more protection for the herd.
Image source: dreamstime, ID 19480159





NEW:  COLORADO COMMUNITY RIGHTS NETWORK  The Community Environment Legal Defense Fund (CELDF), a grantee of New Earth Foundation, has worked with more than three dozen communities across the U.S. to draft and enact first-in-the-nation laws recognizing Rights of Nature, which include the City of Pittsburgh/PA and Oberlin/OH. CELDF recently helped launch the Colorado Community Rights Network, which held a Democracy School in Denver in early March with 70 participants from Colorado. For more information please see For New Earth Foundation’s other leading edge projects awaiting funding, please see, a website with stunning Sedona and earth images.

NEW:  COMMUNITY RIGHTS STATE LAW CENTER  In 2013, in order to make know-how more accessible, CELDF founded the Community Rights State Law Center, an on-line library offering model state legislation and constitutional amendments that recognize the Rights of Nature and elevate community rights over corporate "rights."  The Center may be found here:

NEW:  WORLD CONFERENCE IN ECUADOR  In January 2014, CELDF, a founding member of the Global Alliance for the Rights of Nature, helped plan this year’s conference in Otavalo, Ecuador, and presented on its work to advance the Rights of Nature. CELDF also led a strategic meeting in Quito with indigenous attorneys and environmental advocates about implementing and enforcing the Rights of Nature. CELDF chairs the Global Alliance’s Legislative Assistance Working Group.  In 2008, CELDF assisted the Ecuador Constituent Assembly in drafting Rights of Nature provisions for the country’s new constitution.  The constitution was ratified in September 2008, making Ecuador the first country in the world to recognize Rights of Nature in its constitution.

NEW:  NEPAL CONSTITUTION FOR THE RIGHTS OF CLIMATE   Following several years of civil war, Nepal is now drafting a constitution. Global warming is a major threat for life in Nepal with the melting of the Himalayan glaciers which provide much of the country’s water.  CELDF developed the Right to Climate Constitutional Framework to establish the rights of human and natural communities to a healthy, unpolluted climate, as well as the right of the climate itself to be healthy and unpolluted.  Such a legal framework does not currently exist, yet will enable Nepal to hold major polluters accountable for their global warming impacts on the country.  CELDF is partnering with the Center for Economic and Social Development (CESOD) in Nepal to establish Rights of Nature in the constitution. CELDF presented draft constitutional provisions through a series of meetings with the Nepali Constituent Assembly in 2012 and is continuing this work as the newly elected Assembly is established.

NEW:  INDIA - RIVER RIGHTS   CELDF is partnering with Ganga Action Parivar and the Global Interfaith WASH Alliance (Water, Sanitation and Hygiene) to draft and enact the National Ganga River Rights Act – to establish the rights of the Ganga River and river basin “to possess fundamental and inalienable rights to exist, thrive, and regenerate their own vital cycles, structure, functions, and evolutionary processes” – as well as the rights of the people of India to a healthy river.  The campaign slogan is "Ganga’s Rights are Our Rights." 

NEW:  AUSTRALIA   In September 2013, CELDF presented at the Australia Earth Laws Alliance (AELA) conference in Brisbane.  Following the conference, CELDF conducted a series of workshops, presentations and meetings across Australia to share their organizing model with groups and communities facing fracking, coal seam gas drilling, and other fossil fuel extraction, which greatly endanger nature and water sources. Extraction there is growing rapidly and communities are increasingly concerned. As in the U.S., Australian communities are struggling to protect themselves under a legal system that promotes extraction rather than protects against it. CELDF is now working with AELA to bring their organizing model to Australia, including working with communities to advance Rights of Nature legal frameworks and prohibit those activities which would violate those rights.

Please visit New Earth Foundation at and


Starting the Democracy School in Denver, Colorado. Image taken at the 2014 Democracy School in Denver, Colorado; image courtesy of Ben Price.

Democracy School 1


Ample interest in the Democracy School on Denver Colorado. Image taken at the 2014 Democracy School in Denver, Colorado; image courtesy of Ben Price.

Democracy School 2






New Earth Foundation, a Sedona, Arizona based nonprofit organization, reviewed its bi-yearly grant inquiries on February 27, 2014, to chose proper, leading-edge projects from nonprofit organizations to invite to apply for a grant. New Earth Foundation regularly receives many more requests for grants than it can fund. The requests for the last granting cycle reached about100 times the granting budget of New Earth Foundation in required funding for national and international projects that help our planet and its people create a better future. New Earth Foundation is fervent to fund an increasing number of valuable, life-enhancing projects, especially those that are exceptional in their impact and scope and are in need of start-up funds, not likely to be supported by larger foundations.

For almost 20 years, New Earth Foundation has proudly supported such nonprofit start-up projects as YES! (Youth for Environmental Sanity) that is now a large organization; B.U.S. (Biofuels U.S.) that produces nontoxic biofuel for school busses from used restaurant oils; Fiber Futures, involved in making paper and building materials from agricultural waste instead of the typical pollution through burning them; and many other outstanding leading edge projects.

NEF needs help for the new projects that await funding. Donations can be made via New Earth Foundation’s website, with its Sedona image and stunning earth pictures at Any support through donations is greatly appreciated and is put directly into the funding of projects. New Earth Foundation, P.O. Box 100, Sedona, Arizona 86339, USA ;





EXCELLENT GRANT RESULTS A New Earth Foundation (NEF) grant given to Educate The Children has been put to admirable use. This worthwhile project provides children in Nepal with an outstanding Agriculture in Schools program. Due to the inadequate amount of attention to agriculture, families have a severe lack of nutritious food to eat. This much needed project gives students of all ages the opportunity to grow and eat nourishing food, as ell as the skills to create an income through an in-depth experiential education in effective growing techniques and an understanding of why agriculture is so essential for the life of the community to thrive. New Earth Foudnaton can be reached via its website

, a Sedona-based nonprofit foundation, is asked every year to grant more cutting-edge projects then it can fund, projects with new ideas that will help bring about a “new earth.” NEF therefore is asking for donations via its website under Projects to Be Funded at, in order to fund innovative, new paradigm projects that enhance the life of humanity and our planet.

PARTICIPATION The Tibetan project of Educate The Children offers Agriculture in Schools at three public schools in rural areas of Tibet. Twenty students, boys and girls age 10-14 from each of the three schools, participate in the after-school Agriculture in Schools program. They come from different villages, some by bus, some via trails on foot where there is no public transportation. There is a significant enthusiasm on the part of the students, who are learning the value of agriculture and overcoming the notion that working with agriculture is only for the illiterate and poor in their country.

GROWING IN THE FOOTHILLS OF THE HIMALAYAS The climate of this area, in the foothills of the Himalayas, allows growing of a great variety of vegetables and herbs year round – on small pieces of land – serving the training of the mainly vegetarian students. It is exciting for them to learn how to make seeds germinate, grow into plants and harvest their results, so that several students have expressed the desire to professionally pursue agriculture. This is an enormous change from previous notions about agriculture! Yet, not only are the children profiting but also their families. The children pass on their new knowledge of even growing during off season, e.g. how tomatoes can be grown under “heat” preserving tunnels made from plastic-covered bamboo. Students have also learned how to make organic pesticides from locally available plants and other natural ingredients, which are gentle on the environment and relatively inexpensive. Their parents are instructed by the students to adopt more suitable and profitable ways of composting and using organic fertilizers.

LEARNING FOR LIFE Each group of students in the Agriculture in Schools program also meets monthly at their school for discussions. The meeting is facilitated by specialists of Educate the Children and includes updated agricultural information such as on pest management, or on suitable crops for specific soil and weather conditions. The facilitators additionally assist with a work plan for the following month and assignments for needed actions like germination, ground preparation and weeding. During the meeting, any problem experienced in school or home gardens is discussed, and the best solution and course of action are mutually determined. Thus students not only learn cutting edge agricultural techniques but also learn about cooperation, taking responsibility, and the appreciation of positive changes.

New Earth Foundation invites donors to fund this and other leading-edge projects. New Earth Foundation can be reached at

Images below: courtesy of Educate The Children.


Participants of the Agriculture in School program in Nepal.



ETC offers the Agriculture in Schools program to students of middle-school age at three Dolakha schools, including Kshamawati Higher Secondary School (shown here above). The program's goal is to promote the dignity and importance of agricultural work among young people.



Students working in groups during a monthly meeting of the Agriculture in Schools Program in Nepal.



Students in their school garden proudly presenting the self-grown green leafs.




From New Earth Foundation™


Free Cosmic Leafs™ With the best wishes for the 2014 New Year, New Earth Foundation™, a nonprofit 501(c)(3) organization in Sedona, offers two free Cosmic Leafs™ (information pamphlets) for downloading: one Cosmic Leaf™ is about toxic-free pest control, whereas the other contains easy conversion tables for daily tasks and travels.

Toxic-Free Pest Control
The pest control pamphlet has the heading “Tell Pests No – Toxic-Free” and informs what can be done about moths, mosquitoes, flees, cockroaches and more, avoiding the negative side effects of toxic treatments.

Easy Conversion Tables
The title of the second free pamphlet is “Your Easy Conversion Tables.” It shows simple ways to quickly approximate and convert kilometers to miles, kilometers per hour to miles per hour, liters to ounces, kilograms to ounces, centimeters to ounces, Celsius to Fahrenheit, and each vice versa.

Practical Information
Both pamphlets are practical and helpful, and can especially improve your experiences when traveling. The pamphlets can be folded to pocket size after downloading.

Click on these informative booklets to print them.

Bug Booklet1

Bug Booklet12





Could something be more exotic than bringing an India Event to Sedona? This is what New Earth Foundation did at the end of November of 2013 to finally introduce the foundation to the broader Sedona community. Since 1997, the nonprofit organization, New Earth Foundation (NEF) has given grants to leading-edge projects that have helped to create a better life, in Sedona, nationally, and globally.

New Earth Foundation’s first introductory event, “India Luncheon Extraordinaire” was held at the India Palace with its artistic ambiance and delicious, authentic food. India Palace has large India-themed murals, beautifully created by the artist Paul Lawrence Curtis, who was present at the event. Raffle tickets, offered at the event, had winning items such as massages, dinners for two, dance lessons, movie tickets, consultations with a local herbalist, a Human Design session, and more. The new owner of India Palace, Bipin Jadav, MD was the host and participated in the raffle, handing out the prize certificates to the winners.

The guests enjoyed live entertainment of the music of India, with the sitar, drum and flute masterfully performed by Infinite Raga.

Shondra Jepperson, the Master of Ceremonies, guided guests through the special program. New Earth Foundation’s founder and president, John Loveland, was introduced by Shondra, who mentioned that John had just received the Sedona Philanthropist of the Year 2013 Award from Sedona Community Foundation. John extended greetings to the guests, and when asked why he donated almost all his inheritance to New Earth Foundation, he answered that he thought that in this way, the money would do so much good – and it has.

A PowerPoint presentation followed, highlighting just a few of the many life-enhancing projects which NEF grants have helped to make possible. The show’s moving and inspiring images and informative narration impressively informed about a wide variety of projects funded by NEF, ranging from solar water pumps provided to thousands of rural families previously without clean water, to democracy schools that train community officials and citizens in how to legally protect their communities from life-threatening pollution, such as toxic dumping, the toxic by-products of hydraulic fracking, and the disposal of industrial wastes into local lakes and rivers. The funded tasks reached further from an innovative educational project that prepares high school students in schools across the country to be the future socially responsible leaders, to a college-accredited international program that equips students with the skills needed to solve real-world problems through learning abroad in eco-villages.

Some of the Sedona nonprofit projects that NEF has granted were also featured at the NEF India Palace event, including Sustainable Arizona, Gardens for Humanity, Cornucopia Community Advocates, Verde Food Council that helps the local food banks, Biodiesel U.S. that provides school busses with non-toxic, non-polluting biodiesel fuel made from the used-up cooking oil from local restaurants, and many other projects.

Throughout the event, the food buffet was open and the staff of India Palace served beverages and India bread. The exquisite Infinite Raga trio played to the end of the event, and some guests stayed even after the program had ended to exchange ideas with the New Earth Foundation directors, helping to create a network for greater cooperation for future giving work. It was a wonderful community event. For more information on New Earth Foundation and its past grant local, national and international projects please see New Earth Foundation’s website with its stunning earth images:; write to New Earth Foundation at or P.O. Box 100, Sedona AZ 86339, USA; or call 1-888-725-3002 (NEF message phone).

Event 1

NEF Event 2

India Palace Restaurant, Sedona AZ - Murals by LaWrence




On Sunday, November 24, 2013, New Earth Foundation (NEF) will hold its first Communty Event, India Luncheon Extraordinaire, at noon in Sedona, AZ, at the India Palace, space is limited.

This highly effective 501(c)(3), nonprofit and grant giving organization was founded in 1997, and ever since has granted a wide variety of leading-edge projects that range from alleviating hunger and homelessness, to educational innovations that prepare youth to be future socially responsible leaders; from strategies that offer economic advances, to environmental initiatives that curtail pollution and save the planet’s precious resources. The many leading edge projects are funded locally, nationally and internationally.

Recently, NEF received many more requests for granting valuable, life enhancing projects than it was able to fund and decided to ask for help.

The program, with Shondra as Master of Ceremony, includes hors d’oeuvres, an exquisite lunch and salad bar, desert, live entertainment, door prizes and raffle, as well as an exciting picture show.  

NEF is a member of the Sedona Chamber of Commerce, and John Loveland, NEF’s founder, is the recipient of the Sedona Spirit Award as Philanthropist of the year 2013.

For reservations please see, where credit cards and PayPal payments are accepted and some of the past grant projects are shown together with stunning earth images. Mailing address: NEF, P.O. Box 100, Sedona AZ 86229.

This Community Event will start at 12:00 PM with India live music by the Bill Barnes Trio and an India hors d’oeuvre: Samosas. The lunch buffet will include vegetarian and non-vegetarian dishes as well as selected beverages. The non-vegetarian dishes consist of 1. Chicken Tikka Masala 2. Lamb Vindaloo 3. Tandoori Chicken, and the non-vegetarian dishes comprise 1. Bengal Bertha 2. Saag Paneer 3. Vegetable Korma, and a salad bar. Mango and Chocolate ice cream will be served as desserts.

The founder of NEF, John Loveland, will welcome the guests, and Shondra, as Master of Cermony, will host the event. The program will present an inspiring NEF Grant Picture Show, a raffle with numerous items (must be present to win) which include art, dance lessons, dinner for two at local restaurants and more.

India Palace is located in the Bashas Center of Sedona AZ, along 89A in West Sedona (across from Natural Grocers), phone (928) 204-2300. Donation receipts are available. For more information please call the above NEF numbers.

NEF Fundraiser





The Sedona Community Foundation, a 501(c)(3) organization and affiliate of the Arizona Community Foundation, will award John B. Loveland as Philanthropist of the Year on November 10, 2013, during the Spirit of Sedona Awards celebration at the Enchantment Resort in Sedona, AZ. The public is invited. John B. Loveland is the Founder and President of New Earth Foundation, which he established as a nonprofit organization in 1997. For more information please see and, a website with stunning earth images.

John Loveland founded New Earth Foundation (NEF) in 1997 to help create a better world for all life to benefit. He established the foundation with all of his inheritance - except for a small percentage of it reserved for the support of his children and their educational and medical needs. Under John Loveland’s guidance, grants have been given to many valuable leading-edge local community projects as well as projects around the world.
New Earth Foundation has funded local nonprofit projects related e.g. to environmental sustainability, school and retirement home gardens, food distribution to the hungry, educational innovations, support of the arts, protecting wilderness areas, solar projects, the homeless, biodiesel for school busses, solar greenhouses, ethno-botanical research and protection, holistic healthcare clinics for low-income women, and green and sustainable architectural education.
New Earth Foundation gratefully accepts donations. NEF carefully examines grant recipients before funding and follows up on their success. For more about the award please contact Stephanie Giesbrecht via, phone 928-282-1058; for more information about New Earth Foundation contact John Loveland by e-mail via or New Earth Foundation, P. O. Box 100, Sedona AZ 86339, USA.

John Loveland Founder of New Earth Foundation John Loveland Founder of New Earth Foundation
John B. Loveland: Founder, Donor of the original endowment, and former long-term President and Treasurer of New Earth Foundation™.


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One of the grant recipients of New Earth Foundation's last grant cycle is Educate the Children International. By teaching agriculture and hygiene to students in Nepal, Educate the Children International helps to improve the health, well-being and self-sufficiency of families and their children by building skills that families can pass on to succeeding generations.

They teach how to bring about composting and crop rotation, and make and use earth-friendly pest repellants. A photograph reveals a simple classroom where a trained teacher is instructing tidy and interested students along with some adult group members. The students learn how to plant, grow, harvest and then prepare the land for the next planting season. This means more to them than school because what they are learning is food for life and a potential income in a country where poverty is common. New Earth Foundation grants such cutting-edge projects that make a difference in our world. Your donations are welcome and put to great use for a sustainable future.

In 1989, Pamela Carson initiated this organization for the education of Nepalese children after she listened to what three of those had to say, living in the streets among many others. The children told her that what they wanted most was to go to school. Volunteers helped Pamela Carson make the children’s dream come true. In 1990, this led to establishing Educate the Children International Inc. Yet soon the organization found that their educational programs would be much more effective if they included teaching families and communities efficient farming techniques. Thus adults, and especially women, are included in the teachings in order to improve nourishment, increase income, and help orphans and other disadvantaged children – creating lasting changes.

Nepal has a rich religious tradition with over 80% practicing Hinduism. But Nepal’s economy is not prospering, with an annual income of $440 per capita. Educate the Children International builds knowledge, self-reliance, self-esteem and hope through its educational programs, especially for the untouchables (dalit) and minorities (janajati). Educate the Children International raises the standard of living and promotes continuing farming and sustainable environments through schooling of children, empowerment of women and agricultural development.

Educate the Children International prioritizes funds for what is needed most. A Nepal classroom has black boards, yet not enough desks and chairs for each student, and no ceiling light. The students sit on the floor, since funds must cover seeds as well as agricultural and other life necessities.

Educate the Children International addresses the problem that many Nepal youth discredit farming, since their parents likely work for a few land owners for very low wages. As a result, there may be little nourishing food in their families and a lack of hygiene which is due to a missing infrastructure. Educate the Children International implements changes by teaching the children the value of planting, growing and harvesting for improved food supply for their families and for income. Hygiene is also being addressed through indoor plumbing and initiating discussion groups about hygiene and other issues. The results are sustainable agriculture and increased farm yields, providing a variety of nourishing foods that have been grown through inexpensive but ecologically responsible methods.

It was inspiring to receive a letter of gratitude from Lisa Lyons for the grant given to Educate the Children International. New Earth Foundation would like to fund many more valuable projects that apply for assistance. During this first half year alone, New Earth Foundation has received about twenty times more requests for funding than it can grant:, requests for leading-edge and replicable projects that can make a significant and lasting difference in the world.

Tax-deductible donations are welcome so that New Earth Foundation can do even more. Please see New Earth Foundation’s Sedona website with its stunning earth images and slide show of past granted projects at You may also download your free gift.

Nepal Children

A classroom in Nepal where a trained teacher is instructing children in agriculture.




Since 1997, New Earth Foundation™, a private 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization, has given grants to a wide variety of projects, from community efforts that create models of social sustainability, to educational innovations that prepare youth to be future socially responsible leaders; and from strategies, that offer economic advances, to environmental initiatives that curb pollution and save the planet’s precious resources. New Earth Foundation™ insures that the projects it funds are life enhancing, cutting-edge, sustainable and replicable in order to benefit many communities across the US and the world. New Earth Foundation™ has currently received 39 letters of inquiry in one granting cycle, totaling over $1.2 million in requested funds. Donations to New Earth Foundation™ are greatly appreciated and will help its important work in funding additional valuable projects that will enhance life on earth. New Earth Foundation™ can be reached via its Sedona website or via mail: P.O. Box 100, Sedona AZ 86342.

Granted by New Earth Foundation: ECOSA students of ecological architecture at work (above) and their architecture model (below), Prescott, Arizona.


Founded by John B. Loveland with the major part of his inheritance, New Earth Foundation™ has supported remarkable projects ever since. New Earth Foundation™ has specific guidelines for grant applications, which are preceded by letters of inquiry. Projects must be cutting-edge, replicable for others to use, life-enhancing, geared toward local or global communities, and be sustainable. One of the latest projects New Earth Foundation™ has funded involved teaching Nepal youths hygiene and gardening skills for better nourishment and greater financial independence. Another significant project is an innovative school program that develops creative thinkers, visionary planners, project leaders and future humanitarian entrepreneurs.

New Earth Foundation™ is a member of the Sedona Chamber of Commerce, and as such, has a presence on the Chamber’s website, New Earth Foundation™ can be reached by e-mail through its Sedona website with a past grant slide show and stunning earth images,, or by mail: P.O. Box 100, Sedona AZ 86339, USA.

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New Earth Foundation (NEF), a non-profit (501)(c)(3) organization, became the 3006th member of the Sedona Chamber of Commerce, counseled and enrolled by Chamber Director of Members, David Keeber. The Chamber was founded more than 50 years ago and provides benefits for businesses and tourists alike, encouraging “green” thinking and acting. Likewise, NEF, founded in 1997 by John B. Loveland, has given grants to a wide variety of leading-edge, life-sustaining projects: from models of social sustainability to strategies of economic advance; from environmental initiatives to educational innovations, preparing future responsible leaders. Contacts:;

Sedona, Arizona, is a special place with picturesque red rocks, green forests and a variety of specialties, offered by tour companies, shops and life coaches. Restaurants carry a wide variety of menus for about any taste from steak lover to vegan, but tourists might have a hard time to find what they are looking for – would it not be for the Chamber of Commerce. The Chamber provides insider information, maps, programs and brochures for the visitor to choose. Amidst this setting of natural Sedona beauty, New Earth Foundation (NEF) operates to reach out to those with new ideas to share with the world, enhancing life quality, sustainability and advanced thinking. As the Chamber is the primary center for Sedona information from hotels to churches and from banks to crystal stores, so NEF is the foundation to further advanced ideas and projects that can be shared with and duplicated by others to make the world a better place. Millions of visitors come to Sedona to enjoy its beauty and benefit from the Chambers services and enjoy scenic Oak Creek Canyon on the way to the impressively large Grand Canyon. Likewise, remarkably many have benefited from grants from NEF, a small organization, which has the goal to reach $100 million in endowment within the next 20 years, to be able to offer even more and help create a better earth. NEF would like to give grants to further worthwhile and innovative projects, not likely to be funded by larger organizations, which it can do with its own “Grand Canyon” of welcomed donations. Tourists may dream to visit stunning Sedona and may leave their mark, not on trees please, but on the New Earth Foundation Sedona website, with its beautiful earth images, by visiting For the Sedona Chamber of Commerce, please inquire at


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From the New Earth Foundation (NEF) Board of Advisors
Subheadings by NEF

Liberating Our Communities from Corporate Control

A Pennsylvania Judge Holds That Corporations Are Not “Persons”
Under the Pennsylvania Constitution
By Thomas Alan Linzey, Esq., Executive Director Community Environmental Legal Defense Fund;


TOWNSHIP BANNES CORPORATE FARMING  To protect small and family farms from industrial factory farms, over a decade ago a handful of Pennsylvania townships picked a fight with some of the country’s largest agribusiness corporations. Recognizing that the state and federal government, rather than protecting them from factory farms, were in fact forcing them into communities, the townships took the unprecedented step of banning corporate farming within their borders.

DAVIDS VERSUS GOLIATH  Thus began the journey to spark a new civil rights movement – one aimed at elevating the right of communities over the “rights” of corporations to use communities for their own ends. In a departure from the usual David and Goliath story, with one tiny community battling a giant corporation, today there are over 150 “Davids” in eight states that have followed the lead of those Pennsylvania townships. Community by community, they’ve banned corporate “fracking” for shale gas, factory farming, sludge dumping, large-scale water withdrawals, and industrial-scale energy projects.

COMMUNITY BILLS OF RIGHT  But they’re not intent on simply stopping the immediate threat of fracking or factory farming. Rather, they’re adopting Community Bills of Rights that ban such projects as violations of the community’s right to a sustainable energy and farming future. And to protect those Bills of Rights, they are legislatively overturning a slew of corporate legal doctrines – like corporate “personhood” – that have been concocted over the past century to keep communities from interfering with corporate prerogatives.

LIBERATION OF COMMUNITIES  These communities believe that if ten thousand other localities do the same, that those tremors will begin to shake loose a new system of law – a system in which courts and legislatures begin to elevate community rights above corporate rights, and thus, begin to liberate cities and towns to build economically and environmentally sustainable communities free from corporate interference.

CORPORATIONS LEGALLY NOT PERSONS  Last week, a Pennsylvania county court gave this new movement a boost – declaring that corporations are not “persons” under the Pennsylvania Constitution, and therefore, that corporations cannot elevate their “private rights” above the rights of people.

NEWSPAPERS DEMAND UNSEALING CASE DOCUMENTS  The ruling was delivered in a case brought by several Western Pennsylvania newspapers which sought the release of a sealed settlement agreement between a family claiming to be affected by water contamination from gas fracking, and Range Resources – one of the largest gas extraction corporations in the state. Range Resources argued that unsealing the settlement agreement would violate the corporation’s constitutional right to privacy under the Pennsylvania Constitution.
RULED: RIGHTS OF PEOPLE PROTECTED  In a landmark ruling, President Judge Debbie O’Dell-Seneca of the Washington County Court of Common Pleas denied the corporation’s request on the basis that the Pennsylvania Constitution only protects the rights of people, not business entities. In the ruling, Judge O’Dell-Seneca declared that “in the absence of state law, business entities are nothing.” If corporations could claim rights independent from people, she asserted, then “the chattel would become the co-equal to its owners, the servant on par with its masters, the agent the peer of its principals, and the legal fabrication superior to the law that created and sustains it.” She further found that “the constitution vests in business entities no special rights that the laws of this Commonwealth cannot extinguish. In sum, [corporations] cannot assert [constitutional privacy] protections because they are not mentioned in its text.”

RIGHTS OF NATURAL PERSONS  Judge O’Dell-Seneca cited sections of the 1776 Pennsylvania Constitution in support of her contention that corporations were never intended to be constitutionally protected “persons.” She declared that “an even more dubious proposition is that the framers of the Constitution of 1776, given their egalitarian sympathies, would have concerned themselves with vesting, for the first time in history, indefeasible rights in such entities. . . that language extends only to natural persons.”

CORPORATIONS HAVE NO FEELINGS  Finally, she tackled the very nature of corporations by declaring that “it is axiomatic that corporations, companies, and partnerships have no ‘spiritual nature,’ ‘feelings,’ ‘intellect,’ ‘beliefs,’ ‘thoughts,’ ‘emotions,’ or ‘sensations,’ because they do not exist in the manner that humankind exists. . . They cannot be ‘let alone’ by government, because businesses are but grapes, ripe upon the vine of the law, that the people of this Commonwealth raise, tend, and prune at their pleasure and need.”

WATER CONTAMINATION SETTLED  The court records unsealed by the ruling reveal that Range Resources, and the other corporations which were the subject of the complaint, paid out $750,000 to settle claims of water contamination caused by fracking. The ruling represents the first crack in the judicial armor that has been so meticulously welded together by major corporations. And it affirms what many communities already know – that change only occurs when people begin to openly question and challenge legal doctrines that have been treated as sacred by most lawyers and judges.

THE RIGHTS OF PEOPLE  It is that disobedience – of entire communities sitting at lunch counters demanding to be served – that is our only hope of salvation in a world increasingly commandeered by a small handful of corporate decision makers’ intent on remaking the world as their own. A revolution that subordinates the powers and rights of corporations to the rights of people, and nature now waits in the wings. Perhaps now, we’re ready to move it to center stage.


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John B. Loveland, MMsc


GRANT GIVING NEF BRANCHING INTO PRIs   After almost two decades of existence, New Earth Foundation (NEF), a small private foundation, is set on an exciting and dynamic path. NEF has given out in grants well over a million dollars to many worthy projects, not likely to be funded by larger foundations (for examples please see, Past Grant Projects). The directors of New Earth Foundation (NEF) want to expand this organization’s granting activities into social endeavors such as Project Related Investments (PRIs), rather than offering exclusively grants. This decision will invite promising startup activities that are replicable, sustainable and in accord with the mission and vision of NEF. As a new area of service for NEF, this change will take research and the summoning of new, state of the art expertise. NEF, a 501(c)(3) organization, can be reached via mail: P.O. Box 100, Sedona AZ 86339, USA, or by e-mail via its website.

By supporting life-sustainable projects – along with the efforts of numerous like-minded organizations, groups and individuals, worldwide – NEF seeks to increase the sharing of the world’s knowledge, resources, and efforts.  Like other advanced corporations, NEF wants to expand and maintain socially responsible investing, which is globally still at its beginning phase, as a sign of increasing awareness that “shared joy means doubled joy” in the interconnectedness of this world. Socially responsible investments not only call for sustainable, ethical ventures that benefit communities, as well as the environment and the world, but also bring financial returns to the investing corporation, while honoring human rights and the rights of nature.  Responsible investing contributes to a world of more life-supporting techniques, procedures and programs, where thoughtfulness, compassion, and sharing will finally replace self-serving.

While NEF will continue giving grants, its socially responsible investing will supplement grant-giving to preserve and expand NEF’s endowment fund as its capital base. This in turn will enable NEF to further many more worthwhile, life-enhancing and leading-edge projects, which are capability replicable to benefit many. It is NEF’s goal to reach $100,000,000 in assets within twenty years, to make possible increased granting and funding capability of important and meaningful projects.  In order to reach this goal, donations to NEF will be gratefully received. Donations can be made directly at the new NEF website, Ways to Give.
NEF wants to thank all those having contributed to New Earth Foundation’s success. Please see, Past Grant Projects and New Projects to be funded. NEF can be contacted by e-mail via its website or by mail: NEF, P. O. Box 100, Sedona AZ 86339, USA.


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PRESS RELEASE – April 2013

NEF, Dr. Bara Loveland, 2013; Copy Editor Debra May


A CLEAN DIESEL BUS? Indulging in too much fat is certainly not healthful, yet, this bus delights in kitchen fat: fat that is, which has been used for cooking and could pollute the land. We now may wonder what used cooking fat has to do with a bus!

We all may have experienced the dark clouds of exhaust emitted by a diesel bus or rig. With time, diesel fuel became expensive and is polluting the air around and inside the bus: this is unhealthy, especially for children on a school bus!

Is there something that can be done to make school buses

· run on more environmentally friendly diesel fuel
· prevent harmful diesel fumes from entering the bus through its emergency door and
· lower the costs for running a school bus?

UTOPIC SOLUTION? A solution including all of the above seems to be from utopia. Nevertheless, the B.U.S. organization in Cottonwood, AZ, has achieved all the above! How could they do this?

B.U.S. The organization, Biodiesel U.S. or B.U.S., is collecting useless oil from restaurants and cafeterias for transformation into biodiesel to run clean and cost-effective buses. In order to achieve this, B.U.S. tackles the greasy mess of restaurant oil collection.

EXTRA SERVICE TO RESTAURANTS It is a top priority for restaurant owners to keep the oil collecting tanks and the area around them clean. This requires costly tools and regular maintenance which B.U.S. provides: B.U.S. cleans the equipment and the oil collection tanks of the restaurants as an added service, applying a special hot water pressure washer which naturally also runs on biodiesel!

Grease Machine
Notice how clean the equipment is for the greasy business!

B.U.S. ADVERTISING BIODIESEL CONTRIBUTERS Another added bonus B.U.S. provides for its customers is advertising. Thus the B.U.S. restaurants may receive extra exposure though social media, brochures and the planned B.U.S. website (with map and menu samples) and their logo application on the B.U.S. buses.

LARGE CAPACITY OF B.U.S. For the production of biodiesel, the restaurant oils are sold and transported to a biodiesel firm, Revolution Biodiesel. In order to safely load and transport even large amounts of waste oils from the collection tanks of restaurants to the biodiesel facilities, B.U.S. uses 55 gallon and 250 gallon tanks with lids that lock. The tanks are loaded on a truck or a trailer behind a B.U.S. bus that runs on biodiesel as well!

The B.U.S. bus hauling “useless” oil to make biodiesel for school buses.

EDUCATIONAL SCHOOL PROGRAMS B.U.S. buys “tryout” biodiesel which it donates to schools to test the new, clean fuel for their school buses. If they like it (and who would not?) they can buy biodiesel for less then the usual diesel prices. B.U.S. delivers the clean fuel to the schools at this time at no charge. Besides assisting schools to run their buses on clean biodiesel made from useless oils, B.U.S. also runs an educational program for schools, called the “Clean Energy for Schools Program.” How can B.U.S. finance all of this?

NEW EARTH FOUNDATION GRANT WISELY USED In 2012, Congress did not reinstate the $1 tax credit for reusing cooking oils, which caused an unforeseen hardship on the 2012 budget of B.U.S. with its obligations. In 2012, New Earth Foundation (NEF) honored the B.U.S application with a grant which B.U.S. wisely used to expand their activities. (As always, donations to NEF for outstanding projects such as B.U.S. can be made through, Ways to Give).

FINANCING In 2013, Congress reinstated the tax incentive for reused cooking oils which added to the fulfillment of goals and plans for clean biodiesel fuel of B.U.S. together with smaller and larger donations from generous donors and grants. B.U.S. is also selling T-shirts, hats and knick-knacks to help cover the cost for the B.U.S. operation. Yet, in order for B.U.S. to make and sell biodiesel themselves, it would need funding in the range of $100,000 or more for facilities and permits. For this purpose and to be able to donate more biodiesel to schools, B.U.S is seeking corporate sponsors. There is much education needed, says, B.U.S., since most people do not know what biodiesel is and what it can do for cleaner air and lower costs to run atmosphere-friendly school buses throughout the United States. B.U.S. founder Mike Rogers said to New Earth Foundation, “As you can see, we are putting your funding to good use, maximizing its value to our nonprofit and to our deserving customers: our local schools and children.” New Earth Foundation agrees.

“COOKING OIL” SKEPTICISM Since biodiesel is still little known, it is no wonder that school authorities are skeptical when asked to run their buses on “cooking oils!” Would not we too suspect something “funny” going on, when someone would want to fill our school buses with cooking oil instead of diesel? Thus B.U.S. offers a transition project: at first, it helps fuel the buses with a mixture of diesel and biodiesel made from “cooking oil.” When the school authorities realize that the bus is still running on a mixture, with less costs and much cleaner than before, they gain trust in the process and dare to try a higher percentage of biodiesel – and finally use 100% biodiesel. To the amazement of all, the buses keep running on “cooking oil.” Yet, we are warned not to try this “at home,” since biodiesel is transformed cooking oil by the help of potassium hydroxide and methanol.

oile barrels
School children delight in cleaner buses run on biodiesel as they decorate oil cans for oil pick up at your favorite restaurants.

SPREAD THE WORD FOR CLEANER AIR B.U.S. delivers biodiesel to schools in Cottonwood, Sedona, Jerome, Camp Verde, Rimrock etc. B.U.S. states, “Biodiesel U.S. Inc or ‘B.U.S. Inc’ was founded in July of 2010 as a 501(c)(3) company by Michael J. Rogers. Our mission is to provide unified school districts with biodiesel for their buses. We collect used cooking oil from your area and donate the proceeds to your local school district for fuel, field trips and scholarships.” Whether you have a restaurant or a cafeteria, if you would like B.U.S. to provide oil collection service for you and help the Verde Valley's schools, please call 928-963-0042 or e-mail at (please note the letters “us,” since without these the mail will be sent somewhere else). B.U.S. declares, “We are very passionate about what we do. The well-being and efficiency of your company is very important to B.U.S. We can provide scheduled Grease Trap Services, timely oil collection pick-ups, and advertising.” B.U.S. can also be found at Donations can be made at any time through, noting “biodiesel” as recipient with the donation.

You can reach B.U.S. via, or by mail at BioDiesel, 741 Airpark Way, Cottonwood, AZ 86326. Phone: (928) 963-0042. B.U.S. gave its kind permission for organizations and corporations to use the images in this article for publications on B.U.S. For individual use of these images in this article please ask B.U.S for permission before using their images.


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PRESS RELEASE – April 2013

by Dr. Bara Loveland, NEF


The following refers to an article published in The Nation, March, 2013,
Rebel Towns by Barry Yeoman

LAWS SERVING ALL In our modern world, conflict between community rights and requests of corporations has been occurred in several communities with the environment turning hostile. Attorney Thomas Linzey found that it was not due to lack of laws that the world became a polluted, unhealthy place, but for lack of enforcing or improving the laws. In 1995, Thomas Linzey, with Stacey Schmader, became the co-founder of CELDF (Community Environmental Legal Defense Fund), believing in democracy for all and the right of citizens to experience it.

RIGHTS BASED ORDINANCES Ever since establishing the non-profit foundation CELDF and, in 2003, the Daniel Pennock Democracy Schools, Thomas Linzey and colleagues have trained communities from Maine to New Mexico and from Washington to New York “to advocate for rights-based ordinances.” Thus CELDF has helped communities to prevent damages and dangers to health by honoring or enacting laws to regulate land use by industrial activities such as fracking, coal mining, factory farming, super stores, water withdrawal or sewage dumping. These may not necessarily be prevented by CELDF’s activities but they may be greatly improved and directed toward sustainable solutions.

CAN WE LEARN FROM THE PAST? May the following funny story be a reminder that even 10,000 years ago North African nature needed CELDF’s protection from the Tassili’s massive, unsustainable actions – and the Tassili needed protection from themselves to save an important part of their oxygen and life base: earth, nature and especially trees. Are not we dealing with the Tassili tree endangerment in our time?

TREE AFTER TREE A company was seeking a lumberjack, yet only a skinny man applied for the job. The manager, doubtful that the guy could handle the job, challenged the applicant by leaving him and an axe by a big dead tree in the company’s backyard and asked him to fell the tree before he could be hired. Forty-five minutes later, the applicant called the manager: the huge tree was felled and separated into logs. The manager was baffled, “Where did you learn to tackle a tree like this is such a short time?” “Easy,” the applicant said, “in my past life I was a lumberjack in the Sahara .” “But the Sahara is a huge desert, the size of the United States ,” wondered the manager. “Now it is,” replied the applicant.

RIGHTS OF NATURE Around 4,000 BC the Tassili had to leave their homeland because of massive, local climate changes through missing trees by over logging and overgrazing: the once lush forest area became one of the largest deserts on earth, the Sahara. Can we learn from the past and preserve nature and our oxygen suppliers, the trees? For example, once the Amazon Rain Forest is gone, it will leave a desert and not grow back, since it developed in an earth climate long past and held its own only by its large size. On a large scale, many trees are now covered with black mold, dying for lack of UV rays from a red shift in the milky blue sky, being one of the world’s newest problems. Consequently, Thomas Linzey and CELDF not only teach responsibility that communities have for their health and quality of life, but also for the rights of nature and to preserve it for generations to come. In 2008, as a result of CELDF’s efforts, Ecuador became the first nation to anchor the rights of nature in its constitution, when otherwise the laws of world nations tend to merely regulate the rate at which the environment is destroyed, which is not preventing such destruction of foreseeable Sahara dimensions. Therefore, CELDF not only works in the Americas, but is truly a world spanning foundation, in contact with farseeing earth rescuers in Italy, India, Nepal and New Zealand.

BALANCE New Earth Foundation is proud to say that its past and recent grant contributions to CELDF have helped to prevent damage to health and land by CELDF’s important work: balancing citizens’ rights with corporate requests, preserving our planet with its natural resources and species, sustaining the endurance of life on Earth. For details please see, the Slide Show and Past Grant Projects pages.

APPLAUSE Let us close with an applause for CELDF’s unique, planetary life-improving and nature-saving actions! Please support CELDF and NEF by your kind donation: see NEF’s web page Ways to Give and

In order to read the original article published in The Nation, please see or Click Here.


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